Create, Subvert, Destroy: a Coin & Ghost Manifesto

Create something dangerous. 

The thing that scares you,

That you don’t know how to make. 

Curiosity is an engine.

Find your tribe,

Steel your thoughts,

Kick down a door,

And make something. 

Use your body. 

Use your heart. 


Subvert expectations. 

Old things in new ways,

New things in old ways. 

Execution is everything.

How does the story want to be told?

Reality is messy;

Contradict yourself. 

Nothing is untouchable. 

Everything is intentional. 


Destroy any concept of “should;”

It only exists if you believe in it.

There are no rules;

They only exist if you let them. 

Make mistakes.


And again. 

And again. 

Do it for the craft. 

Do it for the tribe. 

Make something beautiful

And give it away. 

Copyright 2024 Coin & Ghost :: site by kreatliv, inc.