Where the f*ck is my body?

(a post-pandemic physical rediscovery workshop)

An astronaut stares off wistfully, in front of a periwinkle moon. He does not know where the f*ck his body is.

Oh, hello there.

Did you forget how to move your body during the pandemic? That’s okay, we did too.

That’s why we put together this workshop, led by Lyndsi Zapata (Artistic Director of SíZa Dance), to help us get back on track. After a brief warm up, we’ll move on to imagery exercises, partnering, and more, as we all remember how the hell to work these human bodies again after fifteen months of being a couch-based society.

WHATWhere the f*ck is my body? A post-pandemic physical rediscovery workshop
WHEN: Sunday, July 18th, 11am – 1pm
WHERE: Brockus Project Studios / 618 Moulton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90031

No dance experience necessary. All humans welcome. Registration is on a sliding scale ($10 – $20) and we are capping the class at 20 participants. Masks and vaccines are mandatory for this workshop.

Click below to sign up!

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