Bad Hamlet (Alt)

Coin & Ghost's "Bad Hamlet" Directed by Rob Adler

“Uniquely entertaining…innovative in a few different ways.” – LA Weekly
“Shakespeare for a new generation.” – Accessibly Live Off-Line
“As a company, Coin & Ghost clearly has talent and ambition.”  – Stage Raw

Coin & Ghost’s “BAD HAMLET”
Directed by Rob Adler

Preview: 7/25
Performances: 7/26-8/24
Thurs – Sat, 8pm
At New American Theatre

1312 N. Wilton Pl.

Coin & Ghost, LA’s theatrical home for remixed mythology, launches into their second season with BAD HAMLET — an irreverent, interactive, and inventive play that places Shakespeare’s masterpiece directly up against the many interpretations of it, whether accurate, misremembered, or re-invented entirely.

Based on the legend of “the bad quarto” — the unbelievable-but-true story of how the first published version of Hamlet was bootlegged, stolen and recreated from memory by one of Shakespeare’s original actors — BAD HAMLET will be a unique, unpredictable, and extraordinary theatrical event that explores the intersection of Shakespeare, memory, and modern technology.


Ticket price should never be the reason you can’t see a show you’re excited about. That’s why we’re proud to announce that for BAD HAMLET, we will be offering more Pay-What-You-Can nights than ever before — our Preview (7/25) as well as EVERY TICKET during the second and third weekends our run (8/1-8/10)!

Please give what you can — it allows us to offer these tickets to underserved but well-deserving members of our community!



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